Compounding interest occurs when your earnings exponentially grow as you gain interest on your total investments, principal amount and interest, as time passes by. The power of compounding possibilities is endless because the investment generates the ability to earn. Moreover, compound interest only further enhances the earnings as time passes and enables your investment to grow manifold.
Thus, to ensure you are receiving the right ROI, you will require a reliable compound interest calculator. Fintra offers a top-of-the-line free compound interest calculator to assist you in determining your investments’ growth. Moreover, with the help of this calculator, based on your returns, you can choose to either reinvest a certain amount or decide to flow in new capital.
To obtain accurate results you need to provide the following data:
When all data has been filled into the Fintra's Compound Interest Calculator click on “Submit”, and instantly results will be displayed.
The formulas are:
Amount= P*(1+r/100)^t where P is principal, r is the rate of interest and t is investment tenure.
Compound Interest = Amount - Principal
Fintra provides a free and accurate compound interest calculator. Fintra is ideal for daily use thanks to –
Besides the compound interest calculator, you'll find and be able to use a wide range of other calculators. Fintra's calculators are designed to be benchmarked against the best in the business and be ideal for everyday use.
How can a compound interest calculator be helpful?
It's the nature of compound interest that makes it lucrative for various businesses. Using a compound interest calculator online, the benefits you can avail are:
What's the difference between compound interest and simple interest?
Compound interest includes both the interest on the principal balance along with the interest of the previously earned interest. On the other hand, simple interest refers solely to the interest earned on the principal balance, and the interest earned on interest is not taken into account.